On March 17-18, Journal of Supply Chain Management(JSCM)’s Asia-Pacific Hybrid Virtual Symposium was successfully held at the School of Management. This symposium was hosted by Journal of Supply Chain Management and locally organized by School of Management, HUST. More than 20 renowned SCM empirical researchers and editors-in-chief of top SCM empirical research journals from US, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Hong Kong SAR, and Chinese mainland were the guests of this symposium. The two-day symposium attracted more than 700 scholars and researchers from more than 30 countries and regions.

On the opening ceremony, Chen Jianguo (Vice President of HUST), Jin Lingzhi (Chair of Board of School of Management), and Yan Tingting, (Co-Editor-in-Chief of JSCM) delivered opening remarks respectively.

This symposium started with opening panels. Two panels of researchers from home and abroad discussed "How to publish in empirical research journals" on the directions of highly quant/analytic and qualitative research respectively. Panelists exchanged ideas about the challenges, resolutions and tips of publishing in empirical journals.

During the following two Professional Development Workshops, Matt Schwieterman from the University of Miami talked on "The Review Process: Responding to Comments and Conducting Peer Review" and Barbara Flynn from Indiana University gave presentation on "Writing Manuscripts with Theoretical and Practical Contributions".

During Interactive Meet the Editors Sessions, editors from Journal of Supply Chain Management(JSCM), Production and Operations Management(POM), Decision Sciences(DS), Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review(TRE) and other top journals had discussions on the topics of “features of different journals and the main reasons of journal rejection” and “the procedures and methods of journal screening” separately to help prospective authors develop a better understanding of how to prepare manuscripts for submission to international journals and improve their publication success rate.

On the closing ceremony, Dayna Simpson (Asia Pacific Regional Editor for JSCM), and Yang Zhi (Dean of the School of Management), wrapped up the symposium respectively. The symposium was deemed very successful by the participants, as it has promoted the in-depth exchange of empirical research on supply chain management, enhanced the research strength in the field of supply chain management, and further expanded the academic influence of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

JSCM is in its 57th year of publication, which is an ABS4 journal with 2 year impact factor: 8.647, 5 year impact factor: 12.435. In 2020 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics): it ranked 21/226. JSCM has been ranked either first or second for the past nine years among supply chain and operations management journals, based on its Thomson-Reuters ISI Impact Factor. This journal has published papers by thought leaders and top scholars in the field of supply chain management, as well as related disciplines including marketing channels and strategy, transaction cost economics, strategic management, operations management, and social network analysis. JSCM has had an 8% or lower acceptance rate since 2008 and has received multiple Emerald Citations of Excellence Awards.