1. 中文

Information Management and Data Science

  • Lu Yaobin

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Information Management and Data Science
  • Research Interests

    Information Management; E-commerce; Social Commerce; Mobile Commerce
  • Telephone





Ph.D., (Major in Management Science & Engineering), Research Focus: Information Management & E-Commerce, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, 1994-Sept. – 1997-Jun.

Master, (Major in Computing Mathematics), Xi’an Jiaotong University, 1987-Sept. – 1990-Jun.

Bachelor, (Major in Computing Mathematics), Xi’an Jiaotong University, 1983-Sept. – 1987-Jun.

Overseas Visiting and Training

Visiting Professor in Business College, City University of HongKong, HongKong, 2009-Jan. – 2009-Feb.

Visiting scholar in MISRC, Carlson School, University of Minnesota, USA, 2004-Jan. – 2004-Oct.

Visiting scholar in Michigan State University, USA, 2003-Sept. – 2004-Jan.

Visiting scholar in HEC, Montreal University, Canada, 2000-Apr. – 2000-July.

Courses Taught


Project Management, 32 Teaching Hours


Project Management, 504 Teaching Hours

Management Research Methodology, 24 Teaching Hours

Research Interests

Information Management; E-commerce; Social Commerce; Mobile Commerce

Research Projects

1. “Research on Innovation of Smart Health Service Model and Collaborative Governance Mechanism”, Project supported by the Philosophy and Social Science Leadership Program of National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 22VRC153), 2022-2027.

2. “Research on Monitoring, Evaluation and Coping Strategy of Intelligent Social Governance based on Big Data”, Project supported by the Major Program of the National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 18ZDA109), 2019-2021.

3. “Research on the Theories and Methods of Service Model Innovation in the Context of Internet of Intelligence”, Project supported by the Funds for International Cooperation and Exchange of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71810107003), 2019-2023.

4. “Research on the Theories and Methods of Business Model Innovation in the Context of Social Commerce”, Project supported by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71332001), 2014-2018.

5. “Research on Value Creation, Transfer and Evaluation in the Context of Social Commerce”, Project supported by Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. 20120142110042), 2013-2014.

6. “The Effects of Social Capital on Organizational Performance in the Context of E-business: A Longitudinal Research”, Project supported by the Program of NSFC/RGC (Grant No. 71061160505), 2011-2013.

7. “Research on the Mechanism of Consumer Trust Transfer: from E-Commerce to Mobile Commerce”, Project supported by the General Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 70971049), 2010-2012.

8. “Research on Application Model and Development Countermeasure of Mobile Commerce”, Project supported by the National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 06BJY101), 2006-2008.

9. “Research on New Model of Bidding based on Internet”, Project supported by the General Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 79970024), 2000-2002.

Representative Research Papers

1. Tailai Wu, Chih-Hung Peng, Choon Ling Sia, Yaobin Lu. Website localization strategies to promote global e-commerce: The moderating role of individualism and collectivism[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2024, 48(1): 31-66. (SCI/SSCI, UDT24, JCR Q1, IF: 7.3)

2. Zhaohua Deng, Zihao Deng, Guorui Fan, Shan Liu and Yaobin Lu. Can online health platforms reduce health inequity? Based on the perspective of value co-creation[J]. Management World, 2024,40(01): 119-140. (in Chinese)

3. Qian Chen, Yeming Gong, Yaobin Lu. User experience of digital voice assistant: Conceptualization and measurement[J]. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 2023, 31(1): 1-35. (SCI, FMS B, JCR Q2, IF: 3.7)

4. Jifeng Ma, Yaobin Lu, Yeming Gong, Ran Li. Diversity in online self-organizing teams: longitudinal evidence from an open innovation community[J]. Management Decision, 2024, 62(1): 219-239. (SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q3, IF: 4.6)

5. Hong Zhou, Yaobin Lu, Ling Zhao, Bin Wang, Ting Li. Effective reporting system to encourage users’ reporting behavior in social media platforms: An empirical study based on structural empowerment theory[J]. Behaviour & Information Technology, 2023: 1-20. (SCI/SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q2, IF: 3.7)

6. Qian Hu, Zhao Pan, Yaobin Lu, Bin Wang. Heterophily or Homophily of Social Media Influencers: The Role of Dual Parasocial Relationships in Impulsive Buying[J]. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2023, 27(4): 558-589. (SCI/SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF: 5.0)

7. Aihui, Chen, Yini Zhang, Yutong Liu, Yaobin Lu. Be a good speaker in livestream shopping: A speech act theory perspective[J]. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2023, 61: 101301. (SCI/SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q1, IF: 6.0)

8. Shan Liu, Mark Keil, Lin Wang, Yaobin Lu. Understanding critical risks of business process outsourcing from the vendor perspective: A dyadic comparison Delphi study[J]. Information & Management, 2023, 60(6): 103837. (SCI/SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:9.9)

9. Aihui Chen, Tuo Yang, Jinfeng Ma, Yaobin Lu. Employees' learning behavior in the context of AI collaboration: a perspective on the job demand-control model[J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2023, 123(8): 2169-2193. (SCI, FMS C, JCR Q2, IF:5.5)

10. Qian Chen, Yeming Gong, Yaobin Lu, Patrick Y.K. Chau. How mindfulness decreases cyberloafing at work: A dual-system theory perspective[J]. European Journal of Information Systems, 2023, 32(5): 841-857. (SCI/SSCI, FMS A, JCR Q1, IF:9.5)

11. Aihui Chen, Yaobin Lu, Yeming Gong. Higher price: A benefit of online value co-creation activities in sponsored communities[J]. Information & Management, 2022, 59(8): 103703. (SCI/SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:9.9)

12. Hong Zhang, Yunjun Jiang, Yaobin Lu, Zhaohua Deng. Customer co-creation experience value empowered by social media: The multi-dimensional structure and multi-level influence effect[J]. Management World, 2022, 38(02): 150-168. (in Chinese)

13. Chen, A., Wan, J. and Lu, Y. Repairing the trust in ride-sharing after security incidents [J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2022, 122(1):118-136. (SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q2, IF: 6.668)

14. Wang, J Q., Lu, Y B., Fan, S., Hu, P. Wang, B. How to survive in the age of artificial intelligence? Exploring the intelligent transformations of SMEs in central China [J]. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2022. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF: 2.504)

15. Peng Hu., Yaobin Lu., Bin Wang. Experiencing power over AI: The fit effect of perceived power and desire for power on consumers' choice for voice shopping [J]. Computers in Human Behavior. 2022, 128. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:8.302)

16. Aihui Chen, Yaobin Lu. Protective behavior in ride-sharing through the lens of protection motivation theory and usage situation theory [J]. International Journal of Information Management, 2021, 61:102402. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:13.074)

17. Aihui Chen,Yu Jin, Mengqi Xiang, Yaobin Lu. Co-creation activities in three management domains: The role of climate and personal needs [J]. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2021. (SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q3, IF:3.967)

18. Peng Hu, Yaobin Lu, Yeming (Yale) Gong, Dual humanness and trust in conversational AI: A person-centered approach [J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2021, 119. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:8.302)

19. Chen, A., Yu, Y. and Lu, Y. The match and mismatch between providers and customers in accommodation sharing: a cognitive style perspective [J]. Information Technology & People, 2021. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q2, IF:4.238)

20. Ran Li, Yaobin Lu, Jifeng Ma, Weiquan Wang, Examining gifting behavior on live streaming platforms: An identity-based motivation model [J]. Information & Management, 2021, 58(6):103406. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:9.183)

21. Wan, J., Lu, Y. and Gupta, S. The dashang feature in social media: a personality and justice theory perspective [J]. Information Technology & People, 2021. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q2, IF:4.238)

22. Qian Hu, Yaobin Lu, Zhao Pan, Yeming Gong, Zhilin Yang, Can AI artifacts influence human cognition? The effects of artificial autonomy in intelligent personal assistants [J]. International Journal of Information Management, 2021, 56. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:13.074)

23. Pan, Z., Lu, Y., Gupta, S. and Hu, Q. You change, I change: an empirical investigation of users’ supported incremental technological change in mobile social media [J]. Internet Research, 2021, 31(1):208-233. (SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q1, IF:7.089)

24. Hong Zhang, Yaobin Lu, Fengjiao Zhang. A literature review on value co-creation: The bibliometric analysis and knowledge system development[J]. Science Research Management, 2021, 42(12): 88-99. (in Chinese)

25. Yanhong Chen; Yaobin Lu; Sumeet Gupta; Zhao Pan. Understanding “window” shopping and browsing experience on social shopping website: An empirical investigation [J]. Information Technology & People, 2020, 33(4):1124-1148. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q2, IF:4.238)

26. Qian Chen, Yaobin Lu, Yeming Gong. Internal mechanism of brand app recommendation from the integrated cross-channel perspective: Evidence from the airline industry [J]. Information Technology and People, 2020,33(4):1076-1097. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q2, IF:4.238)

27. Lu, Y., Wang, B., & Lu, Y. Understanding key drivers of MOOC satisfaction and continuance intention to use [J]. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2019, 20(2):105-117. (SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q3, IF: 3.153)

28. Chen, Q., Lu, Y., & Tang, Q. Why do users resist service organization’s brand mobile apps? The force of barriers versus cross-channel synergy [J]. International Journal of Information Management, 2019, 47, 274-282. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:13.074)

29. Ye, Q., Deng, Z., Chen, Y., Liao, J., Li, G., & Lu, Y. How resource scarcity and accessibility affect patients’ usage of mobile health in China: Resource competition perspective [J]. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2019, 7(8). (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF: 6.111)

30. Jifeng Ma, Yaobin Lu, Sumeet Gupta. User innovation evaluation: Empirical evidence from an online game community. Decision Support Systems, 117(2019):113-123. (SSCI, FMS A, JCR Q1, IF:6.934)

31. Chen, Y., Lu, Y., Wang, B., & Pan, Z. How do product recommendations affect impulse buying? An empirical study on WeChat social commerce. Information & Management, 2019, 56: 236-248. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:9.183)

32. Zhu T, Lu Y, Gupta S. How do network externalities affect customers' adoption intention in mobile app store: from a perception of consumer perceived value [J]. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2018, 16(5): 493-512. (SSCI, JCR Q4, IF: 1.832)

33. Pan Zhao, Lu Yaobin, Wang Bin, & Chau Patrick. Who do you think you are? Common and differential effects of social self-identity on social media usage. Journal of Management Information Systems, 34(1), 71-101,2017. (SSCI&SCI, FMS A, JCR Q1, IF:8.335)

34. Yang Shuiqing, Lu Yaobin, Patrick Chau & Gupta Smeet. Role of channel integration on the service quality, satisfaction, and repurchase intention in a multi-channel (online-cum-mobile) retail environment. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 15(1), 1-25, 2017. (SSCI, JCR Q4, IF: 1.832)

35. Wu Tailai., Lu Yaobin, Gong Xiuyuan, & Gupta Smeet. A study of active usage of mobile instant messaging application: an attachment theory perspective. Information Development, 33(2), 153-168, 2017. (SSCI, JCR Q3, IF: 2.205)

36. Wan Jinlin, Lu Yaobin, Wang Bin, & Zhao Lin. How attachment influences users’ willingness to donate to content creators in social media: A socio-technical systems perspective. Information & Management. 54(7):837-850, 2017. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:9.183)

37. Wan Jinlin, Zhao Lin, Lu Yaobin, & Gupta Smeet. Evaluating app bundling strategy for selling mobile apps: an ambivalent perspective. Information Technology & People, 30(1), 2-23, 2017. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q2, IF:4.238)

38. Chen, Aihui, Yaobin Lu, and Bin Wang. Customers’ purchase decision-making process in social commerce: A social learning perspective. International Journal of Information Management, 37(6): 627-638, 2017. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:13.074)

39. Chen, Aihui, Lu Yaobin, and Sumeet Gupta. "Enhancing the Decision Quality through Learning from the Social Commerce Components." Journal of Global Information Management, 25(1), 66-91, 2017. (SSCI, FMS C,JCR Q3, IF:1.55)

40. Zhang, Shuwei; Zhao, Ling; Lu, Yaobin; Yang,Jun. Do you get tired of socializing? An empirical explanation of discontinuous usage behaviour in social network services. Information & Management, 53 (7): 904-914,NOV 2016. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:9.183)

41. Yang, Shuiqing; Wang, Bin; Lu, Yaobin*. Exploring the dual outcomes of mobile social networking service enjoyment: The roles of social self-efficacy and habit. Computers in human behavior, 64:486-496, NOV 2016. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:8.302)

42. Sun, Yi; Wei, Kwok Kee; Fan, Chaobin; Lu,Yaobin*. Does social climate matter? On friendship groups in social commerce. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 18: 37-47,JUL-AUG 2016. (SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q1, IF:6.433)

43. Zhou, Tao; Lu, Yaobin*; Wang, Bin. Examining online consumers' initial trust building from an elaboration likelihood model perspective. Information systems frontiers, 18(2): 265-275, APR 2016. (SCI/SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q1, IF: 5.797)

44. Liu, Hefu; Ke, Weiling; Wei, Kwok Kee; Lu, Yaobin. The Effects of Social Capital on Firm Substantive and Symbolic Performance: In the Context of E-Business. Journal of Global Information Management , 24(1): 61-8, JAN-MAR 2016. (SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q3, IF:1.55)

45. Chen, Aihui; Lu, Yaobin*; Wang, Bin. Enhancing perceived enjoyment in social games through social and gaming factors. Information Technology & People, 29(1): 99-119, 2016. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q2, IF:4.238)

46. Yang, Shuiqing; Lu, Yaobin*; Chen, Yuangao; et al. Understanding consumers' mobile channel continuance: an empirical investigation of two fitness mechanisms. Behaviour & Information Technology, 34(12): 1135-1146, DEC, 2015. (SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q2, IF: 3.156)

47. Zhang, Hong; Lu, Yaobin*; Gupta, Sumeet; et al. Understanding group-buying websites continuance: An extension of expectation confirmation model. Internet Research, 25(5): 767-793, 2015. (SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q1, IF:7.089)

48. Yunfan Lu, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang,etc.. Acceptance of government-sponsored agricultural information systems in China: the role of government social power. Information Systems and e-Business Management, (2015) 13:329–354. (SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q2, IF:3.691)

49. Hong Zhang, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Sibin Wu. The Impacts of Technological Environments and Co-creation Experiences on Customer Participation. Information & Management, 52 (2015): 468–482. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:9.183)

50. Yuzhi Cao, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta and Shuiqing Yang. The effects of differences between e-commerce and m-commerce on the consumers’ usage transfer from online to mobile channel. International Journal of Mobile communications. Vol. 13, No. 1 (2015) pp. 51-70. (SSCI, JCR Q4, IF: 1.832)

51. Shuiqing Yang, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Ling Zhao. The benefits and dangers of flow experience in high school students’ Internet usage: The role of parental support. Computers in Human Behavior,41 (2014):504–513. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:8.302)

52. Hong Zhang, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta,Ling Zhao. What motivates customers to participate in social commerce? The impact of technological environments and virtual customer experiences. Information & Management, 2014,51(8):1017-1030. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:9.183)

53. Hong Zhang, Yaobin Lu*, Ping Gao, Zhenxiang Chen. Social shopping communities as an emerging business model of youth entrepreneurship: exploring the effects of website characteristics. International Journal of. Technology Management. Vol. 66, No. 4 (2014):319 –345. (SSCI, JCR Q3, IF: 2.157)

54. Hong Zhang, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta, Ling Zhao and Aihui Chen. Understanding the antecedents of customer loyalty in the Chinese mobile service industry: a Push–Pull–Mooring framework. International Journal of Mobile communications.2014, 12(6):551 – 577. (SSCI, JCR Q4, IF: 1.832)

55. Aihui Chen, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta, Hong Zhang. Can Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Coexist? An Issue of Telecommunication Service in China. Journal of Information Technology, 2014(29): 237-252, (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF: 9.439)

56. Zhao Pan, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta. How heterogeneous community engage newcomers? The effect of community diversity on newcomers’ perception of inclusion: An empirical study in social media service. Computers in Human Behavior, 2014(39) :100–111. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:8.302)

57. Jiabao Lin,Bin Wang,Na Wang ,Yaobin Lu. Understanding the evolution of consumer trust in mobile commerce: a longitudinal study. Information Technology & Management (2014) 15:37–49. (SSCI, JCR Q3, IF: 2.627)

58. Chunjie Xiang, Yaobin Lu*, and Sumeet Gupta. Knowledge sharing in information system developmentteams: examining the impact of shared mental model from a social capital theory perspective, Behaviour & Information Technology,32(10): 1024-1040,2013 (SCI/SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q2, IF: 3.156)

59. Aihui Chen, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Ling Zhao, What drives content creation behavior in SNS? A commitment perspective. Journal of Business Research, 66 (12): 2529-2535, 2013. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF: 8.488.)

60. Yang Shuiqing, Lu Yaobin*, and Gupta, S. An empirical investigation of Mobile Services’ Cross-Category Promotions, International Journal of Mobile communications, 11(6):580-596, 2013. (SSCI, JCR Q4, IF: 1.832)

61. Yaobin Lu, Shuiqing Yang*, Patrick Y.K. Chau, Yuzhi Cao. Dynamics between the trust transfer process and intention to use mobile payment services: A cross-environment perspective. Information & Management, 48(8): 393-403, 2011. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:9.183)

62. Zhao Ling, Lu Yaobin*.Enhancing Perceived Interactivity through Network Externalities: An Empirical Study on Micro-Blogging Service Satisfaction and Continuance Intention. Decision Support Systems, vol.53 (4):825-834, 2012. (SSCI, FMS A, JCR Q1, IF:6.934)

63. Lu Yaobin, Yang shuiqing*, Patrick Y. K. Chau. Why Do Consumers Adopt Online Channel? An Empirical Investigation of Two Channel Extension Mechanisms, Decision Support Systems, 54(2): 858-869, 2013. (SSCI, FMS A, JCR Q1, IF:6.934)

64. Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Patrick Y. K. Chau. Cultivate the Sense of Belonging and Encourage User Involvement in Virtual Community: A Social Capital Perspective, International Journal of Information Management, 32(6):574-588, 2012. (SSCI, FMS B,JCR Q1,IF:13.074)

65. Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta. Disclosure Intention of Location-Related Information in Location-Based Social NetworkServices. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 16(4):53-89, 2012 (SCI/SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF: 5.938)

66. Yunfan Lu, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Effects of Dissatisfaction on Customer Repurchase Decisions in E-commerce & mdash: an Emotion-based Perspective, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 13(3), pp 224-234, 2012,(SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q3, IF: 3.153)

67. Yang shuiqing,Lu Yaobin*, , S. Gupta, Y. Cao. Does context matter? The impact of use context on Mobile Internet Adoption, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 32(6):574-588, 2012. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF: 3.196)

68. Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu*, Long Zhang*, Patrick Y.K. Chau. Assessing the effects of service quality and justice on customer satisfaction and the continuance intention of mobile value-added services: An empirical test of a multidimensional model. Decision Support Systems, 52: 645–656, 2012. (SSCI,FMS A,JCR Q1,IF:6.934)

69. Shuiqing Yang, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta, Yuzhi Cao, Rui Zhang. Mobile payment services adoption across time: An empirical study of the effects of behavioral beliefs, social influences, and personal traits. Computers in Human Behavior, 28 (1): 129–142, 2012. (SSCI,FMS B,JCR Q1,IF:8.302)

70. Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Wayne Huang.What makes them happy and curious online? An empirical study on high school students’ Internet use from a self-determination theory perspective. Computers & Education, 56 (2): 346–356, 2011. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF: 9.269)

71. Yaobin Lu, Yuzhi Cao*, Bin Wang, Shuiqing Yang. A study on factors that affect users’behavioral intention to transfer usage from the offline to the online channel. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1): 355–364, 2011. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:8.302)

72. Yaobin Lu, Chunjie Xiang*, Bin Wang, Xiaopeng Wang. What affects informat ion systems development team performance? An exploratory study from the perspective of combined socio-technical theory and coordination theory. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2): 811–822,2011.(SSCI,FMS B,JCR Q1,IF:8.302)

73. Tao Zhou, Yaobin Lu*. Examining mobile instant messaging user loyalty from the perspectives of network externalities and flow experience. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2): 883–889, 2011. (SSCI,FMS B,JCR Q1,IF:8.302)

74. Shuiqing Yang, Yaobin Lu*, Ling Zhao, Sumeet Gupta. Empirical investigation of customers’ channel extension behavior: Perceptions shift toward the online channel. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(5): 1688–1696, 2011. (SSCI, FMS B, JCR Q1, IF:8.302)

75. Jiabao Lin, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang , Kwok Kee Wei. The role of inter-channel trust transfer in establishing mobile commerce trust. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 10(6): 615–625, 2011. (SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q1, IF:6.433)

76. Tao Zhou, Yaobin Lu*. The Effects of Personality Traits on User Acceptance of Mobile Commerce. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 27(6): 545–561, 2011. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF: 3.196)

77. Tao Zhou, Yaobin Lu*. Examining Postadoption Usage of Mobile Services from a Dual Perspective of Enablers and Inhibitors. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 27(12): 1177–1191, 2011. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF: 3.196)

78. Jiabao Lin, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang and Sibin Wu. Initial trust and adoption of mobile brokerage service. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 9(2): 124-143, 2011. (SSCI, JCR Q4, IF: 1.832)

79. Tao Zhou and Yaobin Lu*. The effect of interactivity on the flow experience of mobile commerce user. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 9(3): 225-242, 2011. (SSCI, JCR Q4, IF: 1.832)

80. Zhao Ling, Lu Yaobin*, Huang Wayne, Wang Qiuhong. Internet inequality: The relationship between high school students' Internet use in different locations and their Internet self-efficacy. Computers & Education, 55(4): 1405-1423, 2010. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF: 9.269)

81. Lu Yaobin, Zhao Ling*, WangBin. From virtual community members to C2C e-commerce buyers: Trust in virtual communities and its effect on consumers' purchase intention. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 9(4): 346-360, 2010. (SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q1, IF:6.433)

82. Lu Yaobin, Deng Zhaohua*, Wang Bin. Exploring factors affecting Chinese consumers' usage of short message service for personal communication. Information Systems Journal, 20(2): 183-208, 2010. (SSCI, FMS B,JCR Q1, IF: 8.814)

83. Deng Zhaohua*, Lu Yaobin, Wei Kwok Kee, Zhang Jinlong. Understanding customer satisfaction and loyalty: An empirical study of mobile instant messages in China. International Journal of Information Management, 30(4): 289-300, 2010. (SSCI, FMS B,JCR Q1,IF:13.074)

84. Zhou Tao, Lu Yaobin*, WangBin, WeiKwok-Kee.Explaining mobile community user participation from a social capital perspective. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 8(3): 278-296, 2010. (SSCI, JCR Q4, IF: 1.832)

85. Zhou Tao, Lu Yaobin*, WangBin. Integrating TTF and UTAUT to explain mobile banking user adoption. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(4): 760-767, 2010. (SSCI,FMS B,JCR Q1,IF:8.302)

86. Deng Zhaohua, Lu Yaobin*, Wang Bin, ZhangJinlong, WeiKwok Kee. An empirical analysis of factors influencing users' adoption and use of mobile services in China. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 8(5): 561-585, 2010. (SSCI, JCR Q4, IF: 1.832)

87. Zhou Tao,Lu Yaobin*, Wang Bin. The Relative Importance of Website Design Quality and Service Quality in Determining Consumers’ Online Repurchase Behavior. Information Systems Management, 26(4): 327-337, 2009. (SSCI,FMS C, JCR Q3, IF: 3.071)

88. Lu Yaobin*, Zhang Long*, Wang Bin. A multidimensional and hierarchical model of mobile service quality.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 8(5): 228-240, 2009. (SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q1, IF:6.433)

89. LuYaobin, Zhou Tao*, Wang Bin. Exploring Chinese users’ acceptance of instant messaging using the theory of planned behavior, the technology acceptance model, and the flow theory. Computers in Human Behavior, 25(1): 29-39, 2009. (SSCI,FMS B,JCR Q1,IF:8.302)

90. Zhang Dongfeng*, Zhang Jinlong, LaiKin-Keung, LuYaobin. A novel approach to supplier selection based on vague sets group decision. Expert Systems with Applications, 36(5): 9557-9563, 2009. (SCI/SSCI, FMS C, JCR Q1,IF: 6.789)

Representative Monographs/Textbooks/Cases

1. From Social to Business: Research on User Behavior in Social Commerce, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, July 2021.

2. Research on Customer Interaction Behavior in the Social Commerce Environment, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, July 2021.

3. Project Management: Acquiring Competitive Advantage (translated by Jeffrey K. Pinto), Beijing: China Machine Press, 1st edition 2007, 2nd edition 2010, 3rd edition 2015, 4th edition 2018.

4. Frontiers and Directions of Information Systems Research (edited by Huang Wei and Wang Kanliang), Chapter 14: u-commerce and the Main Driving Factors of Information Systems (translation and commentary), Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, December 2009.

5. Project Management: Principles and Methods, Dalian: Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, January 2009.

6. Application Patterns and Adoption Research of Mobile Commerce, Beijing: Science Press, September 2008.

7. Project Management: Processes, Methods and Practices, Dalian: Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, June 2008.

8. E-commerce Trust, Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, November 2007.

9. Project Management, Beijing: Science Press, February 2007.

Representative Grants and Awards

1. Classifying, measuring, and predicting users’ overall active behavior on social networking sites, the Ministry of Education's Outstanding Research Achievement Award (Humanities and Social Sciences), Third Prize, 2020.

2. Customer co-creation experience value empowered by social media: The multi-dimensional structure and multi-level influence effect, Hubei Province Outstanding Social Science Achievement Award, Third Prize, 2020.

3. Do you get tired of socializing? An empirical explanation of discontinuous usage behaviour in social network services, Hubei Province Outstanding Social Science Achievement Award, Third Prize, 2018.

4. Research on the basic theory and method of mobile commerce, Hubei Province Natural Science Award, Third Prize, 2018.

5. Research on the Value Creation Mechanism of Social Networks in the Internet+ Environment, 10th Hubei Province Outstanding Social Science Achievement Award, Third Prize, 2016.

6. Research on the Influencing Factors of Users’ Willingness to Transfer from Offline to Online Use, Wuhan Outstanding Academic Paper Award in Natural Sciences, First Prize, 2013.

7. Online Transaction Theory and Application Research, Hubei Province Science and Technology Progress Award, Second Prize, 2009.

Selected Academic Service

1. Member of National Engineering Management Graduate Education Steering Committee (2012-2021)

2. Member of Teaching Steering Committee of Management Science and Engineering in Higher Education Institutions, Ministry of Education (2012-)

3. Executive Director of China Management Science and Engineering Society (CMSES)

4. Executive Director of CNAIS, China Chapter of the International Association of Information Systems (IAIS)

5. Executive Director of China Preferential Integration Method and Economic Mathematics Research Association (CEMRA)

6. Chairman, Computer Simulation Branch, China Society for Preferential Methods, Integration Methods and Economic Mathematics (CSEM)

7. Associate Editor of Information & Management, a well-known international journal

8. Director of Modern Information Management Research Center, Key Laboratory of Humanities and Social Sciences of Hubei Province