1. 中文
  • Zou Xuxia

    Associate Professor
  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Supply Chain Management and System Engineering
  • Research Interests

    Supply chain management, supply chain finance, logistics management
  • Telephone




Ph.D.(Majored in Supply Chain Management), Nan Yang Technological University, 2005.

M.E. (Majored in System Engineering), HUST, 2001.

B.E. (Majored in Industrial Automation), HUST (Hankou Branch), 2000.

Courses Taught

Bachelor: Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Finance, International Logistics

Master(MPACC & MBA): Supply Chain Finance, Business English

Consulting (Training) Activities

Provide consulting for China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd, Industrial Zone of XinYang, United Investment Group, State Grid, HeNan China Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd

Research Interests

Supply chain management, supply chain finance, logistics management

Representative Research Projects

1. Research on material management mode of China Yangtze Power(2010.01-2010.12)(consulting project);

2. Industrial development planning and investment analysis of Huashan Port Logistics Park project(2011.3-2012.1)(consulting project);

3. Xinyang Industrial city logistics development planning (2011.5-2013.10)(consulting project);

4. Productivity layout and supply chain optimization of China Tobacco Henan Industrial Co., LTD,(2013.4-2016.8)(consulting project);

5. Economic analysis of anti-ice means for UHV lines of Hunan Electric Power Company,(2013.11-2014.4) (consulting project);

6. Research on key theory and technology of material procurement in distribution network,(2018.6-2018.11)(consulting project);

7. National Natural Science Foundation of China Project(70901031):Research on multi-period contract for decentralized assembly system with stochastic demand,2010.01-2012.12;project leader;

8. National Natural Science Foundation of China Project(71072034):Research on the impact of logistics service mode on supply chain performance,2011.01-2013.12,second project leader;

9. Independent Innovation Research Fund of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2013QN106,Research on resource allocation and operation strategy of entrepreneurial enterprises under financing mode,2013/01-2014/12,project leader

10. National Natural Science Foundation of China Project(72171098):Research on the optimization of community group purchase supply chain in the post-pandemic era,2022.01-2025.12,project leader

Representative Research Papers

1. Zou, X., Tian, B*. Retailer’s optimal ordering and payment strategy under two-level and flexible two-part trade credit policy. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2020, 142. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2020.106317

2. Liu, L., Li, W., Li, K.* Zou X. A coordinated production and transportation scheduling problem with minimum sum of order delivery times, Journal of Heuristics, 2019, 26:33-58.

3. Zou, X., Liu, L., Li, K.*, Li, L., A coordinated algorithm for integrated production scheduling and vehicle routing problem, International Journal of Production Research, 2018, 56(15): 5005-5024.

4. Chen, P., Xu, H., Zou, X.*, The effects and incentive of vertical mergers: an analysis from the view of OM, European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, Vol. 263: 158-172.

5. Xu, D., Li, K., Zou, X.*, Liu, L., An unpaired pickup and delivery vehicle routing problem with multi-visit, Transportation Research Part E, 2017, Vol. 103, 218-247.

6. Zou, X., Pokharel, S.*, Piplani, R., A two-period supply contract model for a decentralized assembly system, European Journal of Operational Research, 2008, Vol. 187(1): 257-274.

7. Zou, X., Pokharel, S.*, Piplani, R., Channel coordination in an assembly system facing uncertain demand with synchronized processing time and delivery quantity, International Journal of Production Research, 2004, 42(22): 4673-4689.

Representative Grants and Awards

1. Second Prize of Teaching Competition of HUST (Year 2012-2013, Year 2014-2015).

2. Second Prize of Teaching Quality (Year 2009-2010)

3. Third Prize of Shunfeng Cup – the 3rd National Contest on Logistics Design by University Student (2011), team advisor.