1. 中文
  • Yang Jun

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Information Management and Data Science
  • Research Interests

  • Telephone




Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

M.D. (Majored in Vehicle Engineering), Wuhan University of Technology.

B.D. (Majored in Vehicle Utilisation Engineering), Wuhan University of Technology.

Overseas Visiting and Training

2010-01 to 2011-01: New York University, Stern School of Business

2012-12 to 2015-01:City University of Hong Kong, College of business

2019-12 to 2020-08: University of Maryland, Robert H.Smith School of Business

Courses Taught (2019-2023)

Undergraduate: Operations Research

MD: Academic Writing; Management Research Methodology

PhD: Management Optimization and Decision Making

MBA: Data, Model and Decision

EMBA: Big Data and Business Intelligence

Work Experiences

Provided consulting services for multiple enterprises: Strategies for service operation at Merchants Union Consumer Finance Company Limited, Data analysis and service strategy for China Telecom Corporation Limited Guangdong Telecom Company, Operational optimization decision-making forWuhan Iron and Steel Company Limited, Electric vehicle development strategy for Henan Chamber of New Energy Commerce, and cooperation with Wuhan Dongfeng Electrical Automobile Demonstration Management Co.,Ltd., etc.

Research Interests

1. Interface between operation management and marketing, finance

2. Network optimization and intelligent decision-making

3. Intelligent service mechanism design and model innovation

4. User behavior and service strategy research based on big data mining

Representative Research Projects

1. Research on physical shop location and product selection under word-of-mouth effect (National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), General project, 72072063, 2021-2024).

2. Research on product pricing and quality assurance strategy in the context of social learning (National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), General project, 71672065, 2017-2020)

3. Research on Supply Chain Contract and Coordination under the Influence of Firm's Market Value (National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), General project, 71172093, 2012-2015)

4. Research on Low-Carbon Supply Chain Network Design and Development Strategy (Ministry of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences Research, Youth Fund project, 10YJC630331, 2011-2013)

5. Research on Interception and Siting of Network Facilities under Uncertainty (National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Youth Fund project, 70601011, 2007-2009)

6. Study on the Design and Management Optimization of Electric Vehicle Operation Mechanisms (National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), International Cooperation and Exchange Major project, responsible for sub-theme, 71320107001, 2014-2018)

7. Theories and Methods of Operation and Management of New Retail Mode (National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Key project, responsible for the sub-theme, 71931005, 2020.1-2024.12)

8. Theoretical and Methodological Research on Social Commerce Business Model Innovation (National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Key project, participation, 71332001, 2014-2018)

9. Livelihood protection and social assistance in major public health emergencies (National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Specific project, participation, 72042017, 2020-2021).

Representative Research Papers

1. Li Y, Yang J*. The last-mile delivery vehicle routing problem with handling cost in the front warehouse mode[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024, 190: 110076.

2. Yang J, Li Y*. A multicommodity pickup and delivery problem with time windows and handling time in the omni‐channel last‐mile delivery. International Transactions in Operational Research. 2024,in press.

3. Lu Y, Yang J*, Yang C. A humanitarian vehicle routing problem synchronized with drones in time-varying weather conditions[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2023, 184: 109563.

4. Lu Y, Yang C, Yang J*. A multi-objective humanitarian pickup and delivery vehicle routing problem with drones. Annals of Operations Research. 2022 Dec;319(1):291-353.

5. Zou Y, Yang C, Yang J*. PD pair based EV-sharing vehicle relocation problem with route familiarity[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, 159: 107529.

6. Zou Y, Yang C, Yang J*. EV-sharing station location and vehicle relocation with parking rewards and punishments mechanism[J]. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2021, 15(4): 306-322.

7. Jie W, Yang J*, Zhang M, et al. The two-echelon capacitated electric vehicle routing problem with battery swapping stations: Formulation and efficient methodology[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 272(3): 879-904.

8. Sun H, Yang J*, Yang C. A robust optimization approach to multi-interval location-inventory and recharging planning for electric vehicles[J]. Omega, 2019, 86: 59-75.

9. Guo F, Yang J*, Lu J. The battery charging station location problem: Impact of users’ range anxiety and distance convenience[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2018, 114: 1-18.

10. Yang J, Guo F, Zhang M*. Optimal planning of swapping/charging station network with customer satisfaction[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2017, 103: 174-197.

11. Yang J, Sun H*. Battery swap station location-routing problem with capacitated electric vehicles[J]. Computers & operations research, 2015, 55: 217-232.

12. Yang J*, Sun H. A hybrid genetic algorithm for battery swap stations location and inventory problem[J]. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2015, 7(3): 246-265.

13. Liu H, Yang C, Yang J*. Budget-of-uncertainty robust approach to integrated facility location and production planning problem under demand uncertainty[J]. PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION, 2015, 11(4): 791-810.

14. Yang J*, Zhang M, He B, et al. Bi-level programming model and hybrid genetic algorithm for flow interception problem with customer choice[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2009, 57(11-12): 1985-1994.

15. Yang J, Lu W, Liu S. Research on key hub facility identification problem of hub-and-spoke hub network system[J]. Operations Research and Management,2016,25(03):85-93.

16. Yang J, Feng PX, Sun H, et al. Research on site selection and path optimization of power exchange station for electric vehicle logistics and distribution system[J]. China Management Science,2015,23(09):87-96.

17. Yang J, Lu W. Research on multi-capacity hierarchical siting and distribution under low-carbon policy[J]. China Management Science,2014,22(05):51-60.

18. Yang J, Shao L, Liu S. Study on the disruption problem of hub-and-spoke network considering delay penalty[J]. Transport Systems Engineering and Information,2014,14(03):117-125.

19. Yang J, Liu S, Wang L. Modelling and Algorithmic Research on P-neutral Facility Siting Problem Considering the Worst Interruption Loss[J]. China Management Science,2011,19(04):120-129.

20. Yang J, Li J, Lu W. System dynamics of carbon emission policy on supply chain[J]. Industrial Engineering and Management,2012,17(04):21-30.

21. Yang J, Liu S, Zheng N. Modelling and algorithmic study of P-neutral facility siting problem under the consideration of the worst interruption loss[J]. China Management Science,2011,19(04):120-129.

22. Yang J, Wang L, Yang C. Research on the equilibrium problem of network adjustment cost for optimizing facility service[J]. China Management Science,2009,17(05):75-80.

23. Yang J, Zhang M, Wang S. Algorithm design and implementation of network critical facility identification problem based on P-median model[J]. Management Science,2008,(04):46-53.

24. Yang J, Yang C, Wu Y. Interceptor siting-allocation modelling of service stations with hazardous bottleneck constraints[J]. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2007,(05):955-960.

25. Yang J, Zhang M, Chen X. A Class of Service Station Interceptor Siting-Allocation Problem with Service Radius[J]. Systems Engineering Theory and Practice,2006,(01):117-122.

26. Yang J, Zhang M, Liu C. Competitive retail outlet location model with regional retail saturation restriction[J]. Industrial Engineering and Management,2006,(01):32-36.

27. Yang J, Yang C, Ma Y. Application of Data Envelopment Analysis in Decision Making and Effectiveness Evaluation of Network Capacity Expansion Schemes[J]. Application of System Engineering Theory and Methods, 2005,(04):299-302.

28. Lai G, Xiao W, Yang J. Supply chain performance under market valuation: An operational approach to restore efficiency[J]. Management Science, 2012, 58(10): 1933-1951.

29. Jin W, Yang J*, Wang C. Cost subsidy or environmental regulation? The effects of government interventions on environmental quality and 3BL performance[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2024: 109180.

30. Zheng R, Shou B, Yang J*. Supply disruption management under consumer panic buying and social learning effects[J]. Omega, 2021, 101: 102238.

31. Huang S, Xiao W*, Yang J. Optimal contracts under endogenous demand information acquisition[J]. Operations Research Letters, 2019, 47(3): 173-177.

32. Zheng B R, Yang C, Yang J*, et al. Product remanufacturing, channel competition and manufacturer channel invasion[J]. Journal of Management Science,2018,21(08):98-111.

33. Zheng B, Yang C, Yang J*, et al. Pricing, collecting and contract design in a reverse supply chain with incomplete information[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2017, 111: 109-122.

34. Shao L, Yang J*, Zhang M. Subsidy scheme or price discount scheme? Mass adoption of electric vehicles under different market structures[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 262(3): 1181-1195.

35. Zheng B*, Yang C, Yang J, et al. Dual-channel closed loop supply chains: Forward channel competition, power structures and coordination[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2017, 55(12): 3510-3527.

36. Huang S, Yang J*. Information acquisition and transparency in a supply chain with asymmetric production cost information[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, 182: 449-464.

37. Yang J, Lu W, Xu H*. Positive implications of market valuation under asymmetric quality information[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 54(7): 2057-2074.

38. Huang S, Yang J*. Contracting under asymmetric customer returns information and market valuation with advertising-dependent demand[J]. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2015, 9(4): 538-560.

39. Yang J, Lu W*, Zhou C. The immediate impact of purchasing/sales contract announcements on the market value of firms: An empirical study in China[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2014, 156: 169-179.

40. Yang J, Kong D, Huang H*. Homogenous or heterogeneous? Demand effect of reviewer similarity in online video website[J]. Information Technology & People, 2024, 37(1): 110-129.

41. Luo Q, Yang C, Yang J*. Recursive forecasting for vaccination demand with hybrid feature LSTM considering heterogeneous policies and risk perception. Expert Systems with Applications. 2023,218:119545.

42. Ni C, Yang J*, Pang Z, Gong Y. Seeding strategy based on weighted gravity centrality in multiplex networks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. 2022,10(1):331-45.

43. Ni C, Yang J*. Two-step seeding strategy in multiplex networks with inter-layer conversion cost of influence. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science. 2022,32(8): 083135.

44. Huang H J, Yang J*, Zheng B. Demand effects of product similarity network in e-commerce platform[J]. Electronic Commerce Research, 2021, 21: 297-327.

45. Kong D, Yang J*, Duan H, et al. Helpfulness and economic impact of multidimensional rating systems: Perspective of functional and hedonic characteristics[J]. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2020, 19(1): 80-95.

46. Ni C, Yang J*, Kong D. Sequential seeding strategy for social influence diffusion with improved entropy-based centrality[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2020, 545: 123659.

47. Yang J, Zheng R, Zhao L*, et al. Enhancing customer brand experience and loyalty through enterprise microblogs: Empirical evidence from a communication framework perspective[J]. Information Technology & People, 2017, 30(3): 580-601.

Representative Monographs/Textbooks/Cases

Yang Chao, Yang Jun, Data, Model and Decision, Wuhan University of Technology Press, 2021

Representative Grants and Awards

1. 2022 Second Prize (Instructor), Mathematical Modelling Competition for College Students (MCM/ICM), USA

2. 2020 Inaugural Outstanding Paper Award, Operations Research & Management

3. 2018 Second Prize of the 11th Hubei Provincial Outstanding Achievements in Social Sciences

4. 2015 Second Prize (Instructor), Mathematical Modelling Competition for College Students (MCM/ICM), USA

5. 2014 Selected for Wuhan "Huanghe Talent (Modern Service) Programme"

6. 2013 Excellent Bachelor's Thesis of Hubei Province (Instructor)

7. 2011 Finalist in 2011 JFIG paper Competition awarded by Informs in 2011 Informs Annual Conference

8. 2010 Excellent Master's Thesis of Hubei Province (Supervisor)

9. 2014-2015, Second Prize for Teaching Quality in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2009-2010, 2006-2007

10. 2006 Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Hubei Province

Selected Academic Service

1. Corresponding assessor of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and expert of the Degree Centre of the Ministry of Education.

2. Executive Director of Hubei Operational Research Society (ORS)

3. Member of American Association for Operations Research and Management Studies (Informs), Member of International Association for Information Systems (AIS).

4. Reviewer for IIE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, Transportation Research Part E, Computers & Operations Research, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Journal of Management Science, Systems Engineering Theory and Practice.