1. 中文
  • Wu Qinghua

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Management Science
  • Research Interests

    Metaheuristics; Combinatorial optimization; Constraint solving; Operational research; Applications (Network design optimization; Transportation; Logistics; Planning).
  • Telephone




2009–2013 Ph.D (Computer Science), University of Angers, France

2007–2009 M.S. (Computer Science), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

2003–2007 B.Sc. (Industrial Design), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Courses Taught

Undergraduate:C++ Language

Work Experiences

Nov 2019 - Present: Professor, Department of Management Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)

Nov 2014 - Oct 2019: Associate Professor, Department of Management Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)

May 2013 – Oct 2014: Assistant Professor, Department of Management Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)

Research Interests

Metaheuristics; Combinatorial optimization; Constraint solving; Operational research; Applications (Network design optimization; Transportation; Logistics; Planning).

Representative Research Projects

1. The Natural Science Foundation of China for Distinguished Young Scientists (2021-)(Principal Investigator ).

2. The Natural Science Foundation of China (2015-2017)(Principal Investigator ).

3. The Natural Science Foundation of China (2018-2021)(Principal Investigator ).

4. Hong Kong Scholars Program Project. (2015-2017)(Principal Investigator ).

Representative Research Papers

1. Qinghua Wu, Yang Wang, Fred Glover, Advanced tabu search algorithms for bipartite boolean quadratic programs guided by strategic oscillation and path relinking, INFORMS Journal on Computing,32(1):74-89, 2020. (UTD24)

2. Luo Zhixing, Qin Hu, T.C.E. Cheng, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), Andrew Lim. A Branch-and-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for the Cable Routing Problem in Solar Power Plants, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 33 (2):452-476 2021. (UTD24)

3. Yangming Zhou, Chenhui Qu, Oinghua Wu*(corresponding author), Yawen Kou, Zhibin Jiang, MengChu Zhou*(corresponding author), A bilevel hybrid iterated search approach to soft-clusteredcapacitated arc routing problems, forthcoming in Transportation Research Part B, 2024.

4. Qinghua Wu, Mu He, Jin-Kao Hao, Yongliang Lu, An effective hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the clustered orienteering problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 313(2), 418-434, 2024.

5. Mingjie Li, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), A flow based formulation and a reinforcement learning based strategic oscillation for cross-dock door assignment. European Journal of Operational Research, 312(2): 473-492, 2024.

6. Mingjie Li, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author). Learning-driven feasible and infeasible Tabu Search for airport gate assignment. European Journal of Operational Research 302(1): 172-186, 2022

7. Qing Zhou, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author). An opposition-based memetic algorithm for the maximum quasi-clique problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 286(1):63-83,2020.

8. Qing Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. A hybrid evolutionary search for the generalized quadratic multiple knapsack problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 296(3): 788-803, 2022.

9. Qinghua Wu, and Jin-Kao Hao. A review of algorithms for maximum clique problems. European Journal of Operational Research 242(3): 693-709, 2015

10. Qinghua Wu, Jin-Kao Hao, A Hybrid Metaheuristic Method for the Maximum Diversity Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 231(2):452—464,2013.

11. Yang Wang, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), Fred Glover, Effective metaheuristic algorithms for the minimum differential dispersion problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 258(3):829-843,2017.

12. Qing Zhou, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), Jin-Kao Hao. Heuristic search to the capacitated clustering problem. European Journal of Operational Research 273(2): 464-487, 2019.

13. Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), A memetic algorithm for the orienteering problem with mandatory visits and exclusionary constraints, European Journal of Operational Research,268:54-69

14. Zhongrui Wang, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), Carbon emission reduction and product collection decisions in the closed-loop supply chain with cap-and-trade regulation, International Journal of Production Research, 59 (14):4359-4383,2021.

15. Qinghua Wu, Zhe Sun, Una Benlic, Yongliang Lu, A parallel adaptive memory algorithm for the capacitated modular hub location problem, Computers & Operations Research,153: 106173, May 2023.

16. Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the capacitated minimum spanning tree problem, Computers & Operations Research, 144, 105799, August 2022.

17. Mingming Zheng, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), Exact and heuristic solution approaches for the generalized independent set problem. Computers & Operations Research 164: 106561, April 2024

18. Zhe Sun, Una Benlic, Mingjie Li, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), Reinforcement learning based tabu search for the minimum load coloring problem, Computers & Operations Research, 143, 105745, July 2022

19. Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), A population algorithm based on randomized tabu thresholding for the multi-commodity pickup-and-delivery traveling salesman problem, Computers & Operations Research, 101: 285-297,2019.

20. Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), A hybrid dynamic programming and memetic algorithm to the Traveling Salesman Problem with Hotel Selection, Computers & Operations Research, 90:193-207,2018.

21. Mingjie Li, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), General swap-based multiple, neighborhood adaptive search for the maximum balanced biclique problem, Computers & Operations Research, 119: 104922, July 2020.

22. Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), Multi-restart iterative search for the pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with FIFO loading, Computers & Operations Research,97:18-30,2018.

23. Jin Qin, Xianhao Xu, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), T.C.E. Cheng, Hybridization of tabu search with feasible and infeasible local searches for the quadratic multiple, Computers & Operations Research, 66:199–214, 2016.

24. Qinghua Wu, and Jin-Kao Hao. Coloring large graphs based on independent set extraction. Computers & Operations Research 39(2): 283–290, 2012.

25. Qinghua Wu, and Jin-Kao Hao. An effective heuristic algorithm for sum coloring of graphs. Computers & Operations Research 39(7): 1593–1600, 2012.

26. Qinghua Wu, and Jin-Kao Hao. Memetic search for the max-bisection problem. Computers & Operations Research 40(1): 166–179, 2013.

27. Huaxiao Shen, Shengnan Shu, Hu Qin, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), An Exact Algorithm for the Multi-Period Inspector Scheduling Problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 145: 106515, 2020.

28. Zhongrui Wang and Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), Production and joint emission reduction decisions based on two-way cost-sharing contract under cap-and-trade regulation, Computers & Industrial Engineering,146:106549 August 2020.

29. Qinghua Wu, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover. Multi-neighborhood tabu search for the maximum weight clique problem. Annals of Operations Research 196(1): 611-634, 2012.

30. Qing Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Zhong-Zhong Jiang, Qinghua Wu. An effective hybrid search method for the quadratic knapsack problem with conflict graphs. Journal of the Operational Research Society, May 2023.

31. Pengfei He, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. Hybrid genetic algorithm for undirected traveling salesman problems with profits. Networks, 82(3): 189-221, 2023

32. Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(corresponding author), A highly effective hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the covering salesman problem, Information Sciences, 564: 144-162, 2021.

33. Qinghua Wu, Jin-Kao Hao. An adaptive multistart tabu search approach to solve the maximum clique problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 26(1): 86-108, 2013.

34. Qinghua Wu, Jin-Kao Hao. An extraction and expansion approach for graph coloring. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 30(5): 1350018, 2013.

35. Yuji Zou, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. A two-individual evolutionary algorithm for cumulative capacitated vehicle routing with single and multiple depots. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Jan. 2024.

36. Yuning Chen, Junhua Xue, Yangming Zhou, Qinghua Wu, An Efficient Threshold Acceptance-Based Multi-Layer Search Algorithm for Capacitated Electric Vehicle Routing Problem, Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Jan. 2024.