1. 中文
  • Sheng Dian

    Associate Professor
  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Management Science
  • Research Interests

    Investment decision optimization; Outsourcing contract design; Transportation economics; Green shipping;
  • Telephone




PhD in Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 09/2012-06/2017

Major: Management Science and Engineering

Joint PhD, University of British Columbia 09/2015-09/2016

Major: Operations and Logistics Division

Bachelor in Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 09/2008-06/2012

Major: Management Information System

Overseas Visiting and Training

Research Fellow, National University of Singapore 03/2018-03/2020

Research Fellow, Hong Kong Polytechnic University 01/2018-03/2018

Courses Taught

Operations Research, Management Statistics, Management Information System

Work Experiences

2022.10-till now, Associate Professor, School of Management, HuaZhong University of Science and Technology

Research Interests

Investment decision optimization; Outsourcing contract design; Transportation economics; Green shipping;

Representative Research Projects

1. Principal Investigator: Joint optimization of fleet compliance choice and vessel scheduling under sulphur emission control (National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 72271103)

2. Principal Investigator: Competition and Cooperation between airline and high-speed rail: game models and empirical validation (National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 71801099)

3. Research Assistant: Tugboat Scheduling for Large Container Ports (Singapore Ministry of Education ACADEMIC RESEARCH FUND TIER 2, Grant No. R-726-000-003-646, PI: Meng Qiang)

Representative Research Papers

1. Sheng, D., Wang, Y.Y., Wang, H., Liu, B.L., Tang, T.P., 2024. Enforcement of the global sulphur cap: Can self-reporting provide a better solution? Transportation Research Part A, 184, 104091.

2. Peng, Y. T., Wang, Y., Li, Z. C., Sheng, D., 2023. Subsidy policy selection for shore power promotion: Subsidizing facility investment or price of shore power? Transport Policy, 140 128-147.

3. Sheng, D., Jiang, J., Wang, H., Tan, Z., Wang, Y., 2023. Optimal compliance choices for ocean carriers under the sulphur regulation. Transportation Research Part D, 116, 103639.

4. Tan, Z., Zhang, M., Shao, S., Liang, J., Sheng, D*., 2022. Evasion strategy for a coastal cargo ship with unpunctual arrival penalty under sulfur emission regulation. Transportation Research Part E, 164, 102818.

5. Li, Z. C., Tu, N., Fu, X., Sheng, D., 2022. Modeling the effects of airline and high-speed rail cooperation on multi-airport systems: The implications on congestion, competition and social welfare. Transportation Research Part B, 155, 448-478.

6. Sheng, D., Meng, Q., Li, Z. C., 2021. Optimal quality incentive scheme design in contracting out public bus services. Transportation Research Part C, 133, 103427.

7. Deng, Y., Sheng, D*., Liu, B., 2021. Managing ship lock congestion in an inland waterway: A bottleneck model with a service time window. Transport Policy, 112, 142-161.

8. Liu, B.L., Li Z.C., Sheng, D., Wang Y.D., 2021. Integrated planning of berth allocation and vessel sequencing in a seaport with one-way navigation channel. Transportation Research Part B, 143, 23-47.

9. Liu, B.L., Li Z.C., Wang Y.D., Sheng, D., 2021. Short-term berth planning and ship scheduling for a busy seaport with channel restrictions. Transportation Research Part E, 154, 102467.

10. Sheng, D., Meng, Q., 2020. Public bus service contracting: A critical review and future research opportunities. Research in Transportation Economics, 83, 100938.

11. Bracaglia, V., D’Alfonso, T., Nastasi A., Sheng, D., Wan, Y.L., Zhang, A.M., 2020. Impact of network configuration on high-speed rail adoption and development. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 132, 308-323.

12. Sheng, D., Meng, Q., Li, Z.C., 2019. Optimal vessel speed and fleet size for industrial shipping under the emission control areas regulation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 105, 37-53.

13. Sheng, D., Li, Z.C., Fu, X., 2019. Modeling the effects of airline slot hoarding behavior under the grandfather rights with use-it-or-lose-it rule. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 122, 48-61.

14. Sheng, D., Li, Z.C., Fu, X., Gillen, D., 2017. Modeling the effects of unilateral and uniform emission regulations under shipping company and port competition. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 101, 99-114.

15. Li Z.C., Sheng, D., 2016. Forecasting passenger travel demand for air and high-speed rail integration service: A case study of Beijing-Guangzhou corridor, China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 94, 397-410.

16. Sheng, D., Li, Z.C., Xiao, Y.B., Fu, X, 2015. Slot auction in an airport network with demand uncertainty. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 82, 79-100.

17. Li Z.C., Sheng, D., 2014. Pavement rehabilitation scheduling and toll pricing under different regulatory regimes. Annals of Operations Research, 217(1), 337-355.

Representative Grants and Awards

1. Chutian Scholar(2022)

2. The Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education (Second Prize, 3/3)