1. 中文
  • Qian Ningyu

    Associate Professor
  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Accounting and Taxation
  • Research Interests

    Government enterprise behavior under government governance, microeconomic consequence assessment under macroeconomic policy shocks, corporate governance and strategy, etc.
  • Telephone





Ph.D. (Majored in Business Administration), School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology(2016).

Overseas Visiting and Training

Research Assistant at City University of Hong Kong, Sep 2013- Mar 2015

Courses Taught

Undergraduate:Management Economics、Corporate Taxation and Practice

Work Experiences

Postdoc, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology(2018).

Anonymous reviewers for journals such as Economic Research, Chinese Management Science, International Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance.

Research Interests

Government enterprise behavior under government governance, microeconomic consequence assessment under macroeconomic policy shocks, corporate governance and strategy, etc.

Representative Research Projects

1. Research on the Endogenous Evolution Mechanism of Deposit Insurance System and the Regulation of Bank Risk Taking Behavior (National Self Science Fund Youth Project)

2. Deposit Insurance and Bank Risk: A Study from the Perspective of Endogenous Evolution in Scheme Design (Supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation)

3. Research on Loan Flow and Driving Factors of Bank Stability under Regional Risk Identification (Special Funding from China Postdoctoral Science Foundation)

4. Applying the Development Concept of "Co creation" to Promote Party Building Leading Rural Revitalization Research (Key Entrusted Project of Hubei Province Soft Science Research Program)

5. Research on Financial Support for Regional Coordinated Development in the New Era (Key Project of the National Social Science Foundation)

6. Case Study on Poverty Alleviation in Jing Gangshan, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province (National Poverty Alleviation Propaganda and Education Center of the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office)

7. Summary of Poverty Alleviation Experience in Counties and Villages in the Northwest Region (National Poverty Alleviation Propaganda and Education Center of the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office)

8. Summary of Typical Cases of Consolidating and Expanding the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation in Hubei Province and Effectively Linking with Rural Revitalization (Hubei Poverty Alleviation Propaganda and Education Center)

Representative Research Papers

1. The dynamic nexus of E-Government, and sustainable development: Moderating role of multi-dimensional regional integration index in Belt and Road partner countries. Technology in Society, 2022, 68: 101903. SSCI .

2. The impact of trade and financial openness on bank loan pricing: Evidence from emerging economies. Emerging Markets Review. 2021, 47: 100793.SSCI.

3. Analysis of the Co-movement Between Local Government Debt Risk and Bank Risk in China. The Singapore Economic Review. 2021, 66(03): 807-835. SSCI.

4. Capital regulation, deposit insurance and bank risk: International evidence from normal and crisis periods. Research in International Business and Finance.2020, 52: 101188.SSCI.

5. How do regulatory ability and bank competition affect the adoption of explicit deposit insurance scheme and banks’ risk-taking behavior? International Review of Economics & Finance, 2019,61, 69-90. SSCI.

6. How does anti-corruption affect firm labour inputs? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China. Applied Economics Letters, 2019,26(8), 707-711.SSCI.

7. Anti-corruption effects on the credit risk of local financing vehicles and the pricing of Chengtou bonds: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China. Finance Research Letters,2018, 26, 162-168. SSCI.

8. Economic fluctuations, local debt risks, and urban commercial bank risk-taking. Operations research and management 2023,32 (06): 205-211.

9. The allocation of local bank bonds under implicit government subsidies Journal of Management, 2022, 19 (9): 1399-1408.

10. Endogenous incentives and corporate efficiency under uncertain information Economic Research, 2015, 50 (5): 104-117.

11. Local Government Financing Behavior under Soft Budget Constraints: An Empirical Study from the Perspective of Urban Investment Bonds, Financial Science, 2017, 9:112-125.

12. Investment, consumption, and risk premium under the influence of sudden information Chinese Management Science, 2012, 20 (05): 47-54.

Representative Monographs/Textbooks/Cases

1. Zhen'an: Refined Poverty Alleviation and Governance, People's Publishing House, 2022

2. Selected Typical Cases of Consolidating and Expanding the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation in Hubei Province and Effectively Linking with Rural Revitalization (Hubei Rural Revitalization Cadre Training Reader). Compiled and printed by the Hubei Rural Revitalization Bureau. 2022

3. Banking Supervision and Behavior under Institutional Changes. Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2016

Representative Grants and Awards

1. Academy of Management Social Issues in Management Division 2019 Best Paper Award Finalist. The 79th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Boston, USA.

2. "Excellent Class Teacher" at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2019

Selected Academic Service

1. Deputy Director of Accounting and Finance and Taxation Department, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology