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R&D Management Workshop China 2024丨4th Round Call for Papers

Mar 13, 2024


China 2024

Next Generation R&D Management in China

Wuhan, September 15-17, 2024

Call for papers and provisional program


School of Management, HUST; Institutes of Science and Development, CAS;
R&D Management journal; RADMA; R&D Management Conference


RCTI, Tsinghua University; CASTED of MOST

Supporting organization:

Wiley; Sino-UK Innovation Policy and Management Research Network

R&D Management Workshops

RADMA, in association with the R&D Management journal, organize a yearly international R&D Management Conference. In 2023 it took place in Seville (Spain) and in June 2024 it will take place in Stockholm (Sweden).

Furthermore, with the objective of strengthening relations within national/regional communities of R&D researchers and practitioners, R&D Management workshops are also organized. Most participants in R&D Management workshops usually come from the organizing country, but some also travel from other regions.

Why an R&D Management Workshop in China?

Over the past 20 years, China’s competitiveness on the international stage in terms of innovation capacity has increased significantly. In particular, R&D investments in China have reached a historical new height, with annual R&D expenditure accounting for 2.4% of GDP in 2020, compared to a mere proportion of 1% at the beginning of the 21st century. Moreover, China has been increasing the number of its patent applications and is also catching up rapidly in scientific publications in areas such as ICT and engineering, where the phenomenal emergence of regional innovation hubs is altering the geography of the global innovation system.

Underlying this remarkable progress in China’s innovation indicators is the evolving patterns and processes of R&D management amidst a variety of technological, economic and social changes, which bring up critical new issues its innovation system is facing and make the country particularly interesting and important for further study. The undergoing changes include the new round of scientific discovery and technological innovation in the unfolding 4th industrial revolution (4IR), fragmentation of the global value chain, the pressing imperative of sustainability transformation to decarbonize economic growth, and the quest for means to address income inequality, to name a few. These raise unprecedented challenges as well as opportunities for both China and the rest of the world. Particularly, the uncertainty and its spillovers across territory borders associated with these changes demand new approaches and strategies to competition and international R&D cooperation.

All these changes suggest that an advanced understanding of China’s R&D Management will bear significant implications for scholars, practitioners and policymakers alike. It is of great interest to know about the major trends and models of R&D management in China. In addition, despite surging interest, it remains to be informed who are the primary organizations that contribute to the changing processes and what are the driving forces beneath the various experimentations. Furthermore, it would be of great interest to explore how China is approaching processes of R&D addressing urgent challenges in innovation and development and how such practices may inform theoretical development in the area.

Motivated by these questions and issues, this R&D Management Workshop attempts to address the challenges, dynamics and trends of R&D management in China. The goal is to better understand the undergoing change and progress of China's R&D activities by addressing key issues in R&D management research.

Workshop topics

We are interested in research that directly broadens the scientific understanding of the dynamism, change and application of R&D management in China. The call for papers for the R&D Management Workshop is open to a wide range of regional scopes and different methodological approaches including quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods and case studies, as well as theoretical/conceptual papers. Many topics may be relevant, including, among others, the following ones:

· Innovation policies affecting China’s R&D management towards enhanced global competitiveness.

· New technologies and tools applied to R&D activities, such as big data, AI, and data-intensive scientific discovery (the fourth paradigm).

· Technology transfer in the digital era (Digital platforms, New digital technologies, Metrics and evaluation).

· New technology transfer trends in entrepreneurial/innovation ecosystem.

· New collaborative models of R&D to boost collaborative R&D among enterprises, universities and research institutions.

· The incentives and practice to enhance enterprises’ contribution to basic research and original innovation.

· China’s fundamental innovation.

· R&D subsidies implementation and evaluation, e.g., the practice of lump-sum project funding and the government venture capital).

· The optimizing of the internal and external environment for R&D activities, e.g., IPR protection and the promotion of new infrastructure projects.

· Disruptive innovation and incremental innovation in China’s R&D management.

· R&D networks, knowledge diffusions, and open innovation.

· Micro-foundation of R&D management in Chinese firms.

· Functional TMT members (e.g., CTO, and CTO-other members interaction) and firm innovation.

· New business models, e.g., R&D service industry in R&D.

· R&D management in entrepreneurial/innovation ecosystem development.

· The new trend of foreign R&D under China’s "dual circulation" (Taking domestic circulation as the main body, the domestic and international double circulation promote each other) development pattern.

· China’s R&D globalization, e.g., R&D collaboration along China’s ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative.

· China’s innovation (SME’s innovation) in digital globalization.

· The international R&D collaboration mechanism, but not limited to, grand challenges such as issues related to progress toward the UN SDGs and green development.

· The impact of exogenous shocks on R&D activities and their consequences for R&D management.

Provisional programme


Beijing Time


Sept 15


Check in


Workshop for PhD students

Sept 16


Opening session


Keynote speeches

Keynote speaker 1:

Keynote speaker 2:

Keynote speaker 3: Radma/R&D Mgmt

Keynote speaker 4: China

Keynote speaker 5: China



Meeting editors


Parallel sessions


Gala dinner

Sept 17


Parallel sessions




Concluding session


Company visit


RADMA & organizing committee reunion

Registration and Submission Guidelines

Full papers, proposals and extended abstracts are all acceptable, and should be submitted by mail.

Submission email address: RADMA_China2024@163.com

Submission deadline for international scholars: May 15, 2024

[Notification of results & Invitation letter for visa app: May 15, 2024]

Submission deadline for Chinese scholars: June 15, 2024

[Notification of results: August 1, 2024]

Remarks: If you do not need a visa to attend the conference, you can just note the submission deadline for Chinese scholars (June 15, 2024).

Registration deadline:

Registration website: http:// [TBD]

Early-Bird registration due: August 1, 2024

Regular registration due: September 5, 2024

For the format, please follow the requirements of the journal R&D Management. For details: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/14679310/homepage/forauthors.html

Submissions will undergo double-blind peer review and the results will be returned to you generally within two months.

Normal standards of academic review will be applied, within the traditions of critical scholarship and enquiry.

If your paper is accepted, you will be invited to present in Parallel Sessions during the workshop and be reviewed for possible publication in the journal R&D Management.

Best paper award and Best young researcher award will be selected from the accepted papers.

Registration and fees



Research scholars

RMB 800/USD 120



RMB 500/USD 80

RMB 750/USD 120

Registration fee covers workshop materials, working lunch, and tea on one and a half days; and welcome dinner on the first day. The registration fee does not cover accommodation. Info about hotels in Wuhan will be provided by the organizers directly to participants.

Registration fee shall be paid by [the payment channel included in the registration website]

Upon payment of the registration fee, you will receive a confirmation email containing your official receipt.

Contact information

Dr. Zhuxin Ye    zoe_yezhuxin@hust.edu.cn

Dr. Yue Zhang   zhangyue@casisd.cn

Dr. Feng Chen   chenfeng20@ucas.ac.cn

Scientific Committee

Chinese experts

Prof. Jin Chen, Tsinghua University, China


Prof. Jianfeng Guo, Institutes of Science and Development CAS, China

President. Zhijian Hu, Ministry of Science and Technology, China

Prof. Xielin Liu, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Prof. Zhiqiang Liu, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China

Prof. Yiyuan Mai, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China

Prof. Jiaofeng Pan, Institutes of Science and Development CAS, China

Prof. Zhi Yang, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China

Prof. Jiang Yu, Institutes of Science and Development CAS, China

International experts

Prof. Alberto Di Minin, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy

Prof. Lawrence Dooley, University College Cork, Ireland

Prof. Ellen Enkel, Zeppelin University, Germany

Prof. Xiaolan Fu, University of Oxford, UK

Dr. Jeremy Klein, RADMA, UK

Prof. Letizia Mortara, University of Cambridge, UK

Prof. Andrea Piccaluga, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy

Prof. Paavo Ritala, LUT University, Finland

Organizing Committee

Dr. Zhuxin Ye, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China

Dr. Feng Chen, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Jacopo Cricchio, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy

Liu Shi, University of Oxford, UK

Dr. Yue Zhang, Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China